

We also entrust partners with the sale, implementation and support of our solutions.

How to become a partner?

Developing comprehensive IT solutions and services is a combination of superior knowledge and good communication.
We are very aware of this. Partnership is a way of working together when we make a conscious decision, that the cooperation will bring positive business effects for everyone involved in the process (us, you and the end customer).
We offer comprehensive support in the field of analytics, You know the content of your customer’s business, and your customer gets a complete platform for business decision support.

What do you get as a ResEvo partner?

At the heart of ResEvo is a team of exceptional people.

ResEvo d.o.o.

Finžgarjeva 1a
4248 Lesce,

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Naložbo je podprl Javni Sklad Republike Slovenije za podjetništvo. Naložbo VAVČER ZA DIGITALNI MARKETING (izdelavo spletne strani) sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.

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